Coffee Beauty for the Face

Coffee Beauty for the Face

There’s nothing like waking up to a nice, hot fresh cup of coffee on a crisp, fall morning.  I like the smell and the taste more than anything, since coffee does nothing for my energy levels.  Even if you are not a coffee drinker, you can still take advantage of it’s beauty benefits for your skin and hair.  Read below for some great ideas on how to use coffee for your beauty needs.

Coffee Scrub

Coffee grounds can be used directly on your face and body as a natural scrub. The abrasive texture will scrub off any dull skin, leaving you with a glowing appearance. The caffeine will also act as an energizer for tired skin and puffy eyes, leaving you with a tightened and youthful look. For a stronger scrub, add sugar to your coffee grounds. You can also mix in some olive oil for a moisture boost.

Coffee for Anti-Aging

Not only does coffee awaken skin, the caffeine has also been shown to improve the appearance of cellulite. There are many expensive cellulite reducing products that contain caffeine, but you can easily create your own at home.

Mix two parts coffee grounds with one part water, and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Use a wash cloth or skin brush to massage the mixture onto skin in a circular motion. The tea tree oil will smell great and will add an additional boost to the circulatory system. While the effects may not be instantaneous, you will see smoother and tighter skin over time.

Pamper Wisely,

The BusyBella

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